Friday 17 July 2009

I've to come back home...

Hello everybody !
This is the last time that I write a new post from Queenswood...
I'm so sad.
I really had fun in these two weeks, but now I've to leave and come back home.
I Think that I' m going to miss so much this college and my new friends.

Bye bye guys.

Thursday 16 July 2009

England VS Italy

Good morning guys!
Today I want to write about differences between England and Italy.
1. The weather! In England rains at every day and we have to wear pullovers every day in summer too. In Italy instead we have to wear pullovers and jumpers only in winter so in Summer you can wear only tops and shorts because it is about 35/40 degrees.
2. The food! In England everybody eat only unhealthy food like hamburgers, chips and junk food and potatoes, potatoes and potatoes TOO!! In Italy we eat more healtier than there, we eat pasta, meat, fish, fruit, vegetable and pizza.
But I think in England there are a lot of beautiful thing like windsor castle (we visited it yesterday) or like Oxford streat.
I love London because is a multicultural city and I like BrescI too because is mine city and there are my friends and parents there!

I'm sorry guys but now I've to go!
Bye bye.

Monday 13 July 2009

A letter for mine italian friends.

Hello everybody!

How are you in italy or everywhere you are?
I'm in Queenswood a purple college in England.
In this place there is a lot of green and purple too. We usually get un at 7 o'clock to go to the class al 9... I think that is CRAZY!!
We study a lot of english every day,I think we have 6 hour (of 45 minutes) of english class.
I think that I'm going to improve my english there.
I love this college but i really miss italian's food...
Oh..I think that english people can't cook pasta or pizza because they aren't able to make that amzing dishes.
In the last week i played criket and badminton, i love these sports,they are so strange and unusual, so I like them so much!
In this college I'm really having a good time because there are a lot of italian guys and so i can learn english and don't forget italian at the same time hahaha...
And so I think everyone have to came in this college to learn english and have fun!!