Thursday, 9 July 2009

Brititish museum

Hello everybody!!
How are you?
I' m fine!!
This is my first post and it's about my last excurision to the British museum.
Yesterday I went there and I saw a lot of amazing things like Buddha smiling statue.
It probably brought good luck!
Another thing I liked a lot was a big african wooden carpet painted like a mosaic... it was very cool and it can attest which african peoples are real artist even if they are not so evolved.
I really like it i think this was my favoutite work because it is so coloured and so rude.
In that museum yesterday i saw a strange Chinese necklace who was like a golden bra.. It was curious and funny!
I'm sorry but I've to go..
Goodbye guys.

1 comment:

  1. wow!! yes, yesterday was really funny!
    see you soon kiss
